The Known Disciple Project Mastermind

The Known Disciple Project Mastermind is a Christian Mastermind group designed to help men in leadership roles deepen their faith, build life-transforming biblical habits, and live a life of worship through identity based goal setting, accountability, and friendship. This is a serious group of growth minded men who are in leadership roles in work, family, church, and community.  

Together, we emphasize identity-based habits, personal growth, and the power of a shared desire to win big in life, while being a follower of Jesus. The project aims to help men become known by their faith and habits, fostering a sense of belonging and accountability among like-minded Christians seeking serious personal, professional, and spiritual growth.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Personal, proffesional, and spiritual growth all with a tribe of like minded christian men

The Known Disciple Project Mastermind group is where we cut the trial and error out of going to the next level in life as a Christian man. We focus on all areas of life while holding each other accountable to excellence in faith, family, finances, health, business, and impact. All as an act of worship.

God designed us for growth and to build amazing lives. Let's build them together.

What would life look like if...

How would your life be different if you had a group of like minded Christian men in your corner? Men who have a desire to be a leader in all areas of life as an act of worship, and would expect you to do the same? 

Together, in TKDP Mastermind we navigate challenges, celebrate victories, and hold each other accountable to live lives of worship as leaders in faith, family, finances, health, business, and impact.

Apply to join the Mastermind and walk out your faith with us as you become a Known Disciple.



Live Weekly Meetings

Each week, join a video call where we dive deep into the work, support each other, and hold each other accountable to Christ centered personal, professional, and spiritual growth goals. Develop amazing friendships along the way.

WOrk that matters

by focusing on growth work that leads to living an adventurous and rewarding life, we are free to give more generously, connect more deeply, and pull others up with the resources we been given. All to honor god.

proven Tools and Models

In the Mastermind, we use biblical principles and proven models for accountability, growth, and connection. This includes lessons, challenges, and tools to help you track your prgoress, new habits, and leadership skill development.

Romans 15:5-6

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The Known Disciple Project Mastermind Is Committed to Meeting Together And Being Known Disciples

Everything You Need To Know About TKDP Mastermind group

Why Join The Known Disciple Project Mastermind?

Mastermind group is for leaders who are looking for a smaller group and deeper experience with other leaders, facilitated by a trained business and personal coach. The group is for men only and will typically have entrepreneurs, business leaders, church leaders, and men who aspire to lead at a high level.

All men are designed to lead and help others. We believe that God made us expressly with the ability to learn and grow toward Him. It is our responsibility as Christian disciples to follow the teacher, learn, grow, and then have evidence that our faith is leading our lives.

Most Christians will never find fulfillment and satisfaction in their spiritual growth because we are not taught how to grow. TKDP was founded to help the Church learn about personal and spiritual growth.

What Is Included With TKDP Mastermind?

The Known Disciple Project has 3 offerings. Community, Mastermind group, and courses.

Community comes with weekly video calls with a growth coach and TKDP community members, online private forum to keep the connection and conversation going, free access to courses, and weekly challenges.

Mastermind group is for leaders who are looking for a smaller group and deeper experience with other leaders, facilitated by a trained business and personal coach. The group is for men only and will typically have entrepreneurs, business leaders, church leaders, and men who aspire to lead at a high level.

Courses can stand alone or be part of your community or mastermind experience.

What Six Key Areas Of Life Is The Mastermind Focused On?

There are many ways to look at how beautifully intricate and purposefully designed we are by God. The main point in TKDP is that God designed us to grow and use our "image in his likeness" to be the best version of ourselves and to worship Him.

Mark, the founder of TKDP is trained to teach, coach, and speak deeply into the areas of Thought, Emotions, Physical Health, Environment, Social, and Spiritual. As such, TKDP lessons often begin with scripture and then teach in these areas to help Christians remove the barriers to living a life of worship.

There are many more areas of focus for the community, but these form the core.

What Results Can I Expect After Jumping Into TKDP Mastermind?

Deeper growth, deeper faith, deeper connection.

Our desired outcome for you is that you can begin to see yourself in two ways. First, you know exactly who you are and what you represent. This is done with training in self-awareness and self-discovery. Second, you know exactly how to represent the image you are as a person made in God's image. Your identity is set. What you do with it is up to you. TKDP aims to help Christian's lean fully into their identity in Christ and all of the positive change that follows that.

Specifically, being in the Mastermind group should lead to higher levels of performance in faith, family, finances, business, and community.

How Do I Know If The Mastermind Is For Me?

The Known Disciple Project Mastermind is for all Christian men who are seeking to live a life of worship through habit change and being the best version of themselves possible.

This group is made for men who are on a mission to live an adventurous and rewarding life so that they are free to give generously in any way they feel called to do so. This could mean earning at a high level so that you can give financially, having more time freedom so that you can give time, or simply becoming a better leader and disciple of Jesus as an act of worship. It's all for Him.

Have a specific question?

Shoot us a message and we'll connect with you asap! 

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Apply To Join The Known Disciple Project Mastermind

This is a serious group for men who desire deeper connections, fellowship, discipleship, and accountability around identity-based goals and habits that lead to leveling up in faith, family, finances, health, business, and impact. All this so that we can pursue a life of worship, look more like Jesus, and be known disciples.

If you're serious about committing to a group of like minded Christian men and are willing to give and get value in the group, apply!